Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Whaddya Know Wednesday

Well whaddya know???

So here's a few little tidbits that when I learned them I ended up muttering, "Well whaddya know?" and thought you'd enjoy them.

1. Pine cones (can) have MITES!  
After the bachelorette party in Tahoe, my sister-in-law took home a bag of gigantic Tahoe pinecones.  Luckily the TSA agents clued her in that pine cones have mites and that she needs to take precautions before putting the pine cones in her home to avoid a potential infestation.
So I did a little Googleage on the issue and boy were they right!!

From it turns out you can remove them quite easily simply bake them at 175-200 degrees for a bit and that should do it.

Once you've baked them - your pine cones are safe to keep in the house - you can rest assured you wont have any new bugs making a home in your humble abode.

2.  Charge your phone/iPad/device FAST by turning it into airplane mode. 
Folks, this one is a no brainer but it took me reading it on one of those Facebook posts about tricks for your iPhone before it clicked.  I tested it at home when my phone was down to 20% and turned it on airplane mode, plugged it in and it charged significantly faster.  

So when you're in a pinch and need to charge your device, slide it into airplane mode and charge it.  

You can get significant charging in only 5 minutes - which for those of us who travel or depend on our phones more than we depend on wearing pants in public - this one's a life saver!

3.  Add Chlorophyll to your water.  Or at least lemon!

People, we all need to hydrate.  We should all be drinking at least 8-9 glasses a day.  It's good to help you flush out gunk, can help ya poo, is good for your skin, and if you hit the wine like some (*ahem*) of us do - it's a re-hydration thing.

I started thinking about spas that I'd been to and how REFRESHED I felt after a massage and the fancy green water they gave me.  Turns out Chlorophyll in your water is quite beneficial to you.  Some lab tests suggest chlorophyll could help block some cancer-causing chemicals. But we don't know if it would have any benefit against cancer in people. Some people use chlorophyll supplements for bad breath, constipation, and to speed up healing.  

Bottom line, it helps to purify your body, and adds a little boost to you water when you're trying to counteract all the things that we put in our bodies that we likely shouldn't.

4. Turn your phone into your laptop - using bluetooth keyboards!

This one was a helpful pointer for me considering how many texts, whatsapps and general things we do on our phones while at our desks.  I have a logitech keyboard that's for my iPad, that syncs up via bluetooth. 

When I'm at my desk, I put my phone on a charger, sync it to the keyboard via the bluetooth option on my phone (it will recognize any bluetooth enabled device it can sync to - if they are on and searching for connection) and can simply respond to texts, whatsapp messages, or really anything that requires typing infinitely faster than hunt and pecking with my finger on the keyboard.

Next time you've got a minute, give it a try and set up your own little station (picture here shows someone else's home made ipad station - but proves the point perfectly) and watch how much easier you can multi-task, answer personal emails/texts/etc without interrupting your day and without picking up your phone.  Love this lifehack!

5. Vinegar with the mother. Learn it, love it, live it.
So, I can't take the credit for this one - this came from my mom.  She started talking about Vinegar "with the mother" - and that I needed to start using it. 

BRAGG brand is the easiest found brand and instead of taking credit for it, simply visit their site and see for yourself:

I use it in all my cooking, salad dressings, and the vinegar drink with local honey and vinegar - the health benefits are amazing.  

All I can say is read about it, do a little Googleage of your own and try it.  From refreshing your scalp, to helping with your digestion and alkalinity, it has multiple purposes.

If nothing else, it's VERY tasty and a better flavored apple cider vinegar for vinaigrette and marinades and makes an amazing addition to your culinary arsenal.  

You need to get involved people. Seriously.

Alright my daaaahlings, that's the scoop for the day - some humpday "whaddya knows" to digest.
